xaether's terminology coin / flag archive.
hello! we are xaetherplex, aka xaether astraplex.this is a website to archive our contributions to the plural / lgbtq+ community. including terms we have coined and pride flags we've made.we plan on keeping this up for as long as possible, so we kindly request that you use this site's link (instead of screenshots or achival links) when sharing around! tyvm <3note about terms we claim to have coined ;; as far as we know, we were the first ones to publicly coin these terms. either way, different people coining the same terms is not a bad thing and everyone uses certain words / terms in their own way. you can feel absolutely free to use terms we have coined however you'd like, it's not something anyone should dictate. it would be appreciated if you could just respect and credit the original meanings we have coined. if we ever turn out to be wrong about something please kindly let us know and we will fix it, we strive to spread accurate information! :]note about flags we make ;; they are a gift to the community! use them however you like, credit is not necessary. just please be respectful and don't claim the creation as your own :]site is a big wip at the moment, will be cleaned up and the design may change. we may add contact information later as well. <3
- Astraplex
- Formshifter / Sonashifter
- Technician
AstraplexCoined on November 16, 2023
Read wiki page HEREAn astraplex is a collective made up of infinite headmates, groups, clusters, sisasystems, layers, and so on. It can both be used to describe having a sense of infinity within one's system structure, or to describe their size / headmate count / group count / layer count etc. in a numerical sense.A collective can become an astraplex, could have always been one, or stop being one.Astraplex was coined by combining the affix Astra- with the suffix -plex.There are a few similar terms. Here are the differences:
- Astro has a focus on headmate count. Astraplex includes groupings, layers and so on.
- PolyAstro mentions groupings, layers and so on as only "several" rather than "infinite", and has a focus on headmate count. Astraplex describes all of them as "infinite".Astraplex was coined to be a more comprehensive term for collectives whose experience with infinity affects their entire system structure, rather than only their headmate count.
Formshifter / SonashifterCoined on April 12, 2023
Read wiki page HEREA formshifter, or sonashifter; is an individual, headmate, system, or sisasystem; who shifts between different “forms” or “sonas” in a way that’s very similar to switching between headmates, without these forms being separate beings.A formshifter is a singular person or singular collective who shifts between their forms. A formshifter system or sisasystem would experience formshifting in a mono-conscious, collective way. Forms are usually not separate headmates, although it is possible for them to become one, temporarily or permanently; as well as a headmate to turn into a form. The way formshifting works can fluctuate, and there are in infinite amount of ways one may experience this phenomenon.Each form may have different personalities, identities, neurodivergence symptoms, may hold specific traumas, so on and so forth. A form can be pretty much anything a headmate can be, just without being a separate being. There is no limit on how similar or how different the forms could be from one another.Someone may refer to their “forms” or “sonas” with different wording as well if they prefer, they do not have to use these words to describe their forms.Formshifters may choose to consider their experience to be within the median-multiple spectrum, or not. Generally it is a median-like experience, but people do not have to associate their experience with the term. This term’s purpose is not to explain how separate one’s headmates or consciousness may be, it is more about how one being or collective’s overall personality, identity, and so on can shift into different states without these states being separate beings.
TechnicianCoined on August 1, 2022
Read wiki page HEREA technician is a headmate who is responsible for figuring out the system’s functions and handling technical things within the system, such as;- Analyzing headmates, fragments, the innerworld, etc. and figuring out how those function,
- Keeping track of splits or merges and figuring out how or why they happen,
- Keeping track of member count, groups, clusters, sisasystems, layers, etc.There is no limit as to how one may want to identify with the term, for as long as it refers to someone who deals with technical things within the system in some way.A technician may also function as an internal self helper. A technician is not the same thing as an archivist, since an archivist’s focus is on preserving knowledge, while a technician’s focus is on figuring out what’s going on within the system and with its headmates. A headmate can be both a technician and an archivist at the same time.
- Omniflux [coin + flags]
- Colligogender [coin + flag]
- Dubstepgender [elaboration + new flag]
- Iridesgender [coin + flag]
- Hologragender [coin + flag]
- Daycoregender [flag]

Omniflux- Coined on January 19, 2021 by us
- Read wiki page here https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Omniflux
- New flag created by us on January 16, 2025.Omniflux, omnisexualflux, or omniromanticflux is a sexuality and/or romanticality in which one can experience sexual and/or romantic attraction to all genders with variying intensity. The term flux indicates a fluctuating, variying intensity of a sexuality or gender when used in LGBTQ+ terms and labels. An omniflux person can have different intensities of attractions to different genders, while still being attracted to all genders. For instance; an omniflux person can feel attraction towards female-aligned/feminine-aligned genders more, compared to how much they are attracted to abinary/anonbinary genders at the time. The various intensities of attractions to genders can be expressed with percentages, e.g. one can say they have 70% attraction to male-aligned/masculine-aligned genders, 50% attraction to abinary/anonbinary genders, and 30% attraction to female-aligned/feminine-aligned genders at the same time. These percentages and/or intensities can change overtime, thus fluctuating, being flux.The terms omniromanticflux or omnifluxromantic can also be used to indicate a romantic-only version of omnifluxity.The current flag was created to be consistent with other flags of labels that end with the -flux suffix. It is based on the omnisexual flag, with more colors added in-between to create a gradient; indicating fluctuation.The old flag was loosely inspired by the omnisexual flag, but was given a different color palette to make it stand out.

Old flag's stripe meanings:- Light green color represents attraction to binary genders
- Dark green color represents fluctuation/fluxity
- Dark gray color represents attraction to all genders
- Dark orange color represents fluctuation/fluxity
- Light orange color represents attraction to non-binary genders
author's note: we do not think this flag holds any actual meaning. when we made this flag back then, these meanings were written just for the sake of having some. we made the flag have unrelated colors for the sake of standing out, but we don't vibe with that decision anymore; hence why we made a new flag which we think is much better suited for omniflux :3

Colligogender- Coined on January 21, 2021 by us
- Read wiki page here https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/ColligogenderColligogender is the state of having multiple genders where one feels like they are collecting genders. When they find out about a gender they associate with, it’s as if they add it to their collection. They can also express this state and feeling with pride flags they use and associate with, making a collection of most, if not all of their pride flags, either in digital or physical form.Someone who is colligogender may use this term and definition to describe the relationship between their genders and how they feel about them. A colligogender person is likely to be experiencing some sort of fluidity between their genders, but that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. One can have multiple genders simultaneously, in a static state, while also being colligogender. Colligogender is very similar to Termcollector or Genderhoarder , with the differences being:- It’s exclusive to collecting genders.
- The person doesn’t have to be genderfluid.
- It’s a xenogender.Original flag stripe meanings:- Black color represents attachment to one’s genders
- Dark purple color represents unity
- Light purple color represents fluidity between genders or experiencing genders simultaneously
- Light blue color represents having multiple genders
- The white circle symbol represents the act of collecting and having a collectionThe word colligo is a word for “collect” in Latin.

Dubstepgender- New flag created & more details written on January 22, 2021 by us
- Read wiki page here https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/DubstepgenderDubstepgender is a musicagender relating to, or feeling like the dubstep genre and/or subgenres. One can just be dubstepgender in general, or fluctuate between subgenres. Depending on the subgenre of dubstep one relates to or feels like, their gender can feel loud, aggressive, energized, rhythmic, melodic, and so on. A dubstepgender person can choose to call themselves dubgender, wubgender or genderstep as well.They can also call themselves “subgenre”+gender. Some examples include:- Brostepgender
- Riddimgender
- Deathstepgender
- Colorbassgender
- Melodicdubstepgender
- TearoutgenderFlag stripe meanings:- Black color represents unity
- Magenta color represents melodic subgenres and / or femininity
- Blue color represents heavy subgenres and / or masculinity
- Green color represents other subgenres and / or non-binaryness
- Yellow color represents xenicness and musicagenderness
- Red color represents love and passion for dubstep
- Sub-woofer symbol represents all things dubstep and attachment to bass

Iridesgender- Coined on July 26, 2022 by us
- Read wiki page here https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/IridesgenderIridesgender (ee-ree-des gender) is a xenic aesthetigender and a colorgender. It resembles iridescence, be it in an aesthetic sense, or a color combination sense. It is a gender best described as an iridescent color combination, an iridescent material, or an iridescent vibe. It can be pastel, or more saturated; there is no limit as to how one may identify with the label, as long as it’s related to iridescence in some way. It could be considered a sublabel of rainbowgender.

Iridarkgender is a microlabel specifically referring to a combination of iridesgender with a “dark vibe”. It can refer to dark iridescent colors, or a combination of iridescent colors with other dark colors (such as black).Flags’ meanings:
They represent simple iridescent color palettes.

Hologragender- Coined on July 26, 2022 by us
- Read wiki page here https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/HologragenderHologragender is a xenic aesthetigender. It is a microlabel of iridesgender. Hologender specifically refers to the aesthetic of a holographic and metallic material. It feels colorful and reflective. The material part of the gender could either refer to an actual metallic texture, a soft fabric texture, or a plasticky fabric texture.Holodarkgender is a microlabel which combines iridarkgender and hologragender.Flag meaning:
It represents a simple iridescent color palette and a metallic color palette.

Daycoregender Flag- Created on January 21, 2021 by us
- Wiki page: https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/DaycoregenderFlag Meaning:
The flag is meant to be an equivalent of the original nightcoregender flag.